Support Prostate Cancer Awareness with “Mo-vember”

Sometimes over here at, we get to turn our pages over to someone else, espcially if they have a compelling story to tell.  So, we’re handing the content reigns over to our friend Luke Lawson, with a special article about Mo-vember.

What is Movember you ask? No, it’s not a political site or get out the vote pledge. While both are great motivators to visit the Movember site (and I encourage you all to vote Nov. 2nd!) Movember’s purpose “is to change the face of men’s health”.  How and why you might ask? Please read on! Taken from a great recent article written by Dan Zenka, Vice President of Communications for the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF).

In ten countries around the globe, men will soon be letting their hair out to support awareness and raise crucial funds for finding better treatments and cures for this disease that affects more than 16 million men and families around the world. Since 2004, Mo’ bros and Mo’ sistas have raised more than $40 million dollars to support research for men’s diseases. What’s more, in the U.S. they are changing the way prostate cancer is viewed.  The Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG are the beneficiaries of Movember efforts in the States. In its first three years in the U.S., Movember raised $2.3 million to support prostate cancer research through PCF. This year’s goal is $2 million. That’s a whole lotta mo’s and mo’ola.

Literally and figuratively, Movember is definitely living up to it tagline: Changing the Face of Men’s Health. The teaching moment starts the moment anyone asks a participant, “What’s that on your face?”

The annual Movember campaign is fun, quirky and purposeful. It’s also proof that one should never be too quick to dismiss a good idea that might arise on a weekend afternoon while having a few beers with your mates. Interested? More information on Movember can be found at

For me, it’s personal. I lost my father to Prostate Cancer when he was only 51. That’s too young. My father stood a near 100% chance of being cured had he gone in for a check up earlier in life. If growing a mustache for a month or, posting to my Facebook page, or continuing to fund cancer research, or writing this email helps just one person- I will be satisfied. Please consider joining me and/or my team “El Bigote” (the mustache) at:  make a donation or help spread the word further by directing your friends and family to the site. You don’t have to grow a mustache to join (or donate) and we need Mo’ sistas just as much as Mo’ bros!

Thank you for your time,
