Everyone who has ever complained about an NBA ref…..may be right

So, it turns out that a few million NBA fans may have been right all along.  All of the compaining about NBA officials making ridiculous foul calls to affect a game, might be actually true.


So, how big a deal is this? I think the most important question is, "Is there only one ref involved?" It seems impossible that one guy could bemixed up in this, doesn’t it?  And it seems further unlikely that the mob launched this idea in 2006. There’s a real possibility that this goes back 10-20 years, with 1-10 refs per year.  I mean, why not?

And how does the NBA address Mark Cuban now?   If this guy did any important games that the Mavericks were involved with, Cuban has every right to be suspicious.

Bottom line – the technology is around now where millions of fans are a more reliable barometer of whether a player or ref is doing his job well.  The fans may need to have a bigger play inhow we police these things.