In a time crunch, so just going to throw out some bullets.
The time crunch is caused by our need to find another hotel. We were both very disappointed in what Hong Kong describes as a "Double Room." The only way two people could stay in there is if we took shifts sleeping and showering. So we either need to keep renting the dump we are in individually, or come up with a good Plan B.
- (NOTE: We moved into the greatest hotel ever. I will have to think about whether or not I let anyone else know about this place.)
- Man, this town smells. I mean, you smell the stench(es) everywhere you go. And it just permeates your clothes and skin.
- And it’s humid. Unbelievably so. Stinking and sweaty.
- If it sounds like I’m complaining, I’m not. But with all the excitement and madness you get from the city, you get a few other issues to deal with.
- I still haven’t bought a suit, watch, knock off shoes or anything interesting. But they have been pffered in abundance.
- I am generally a good map reader, but I still have yet to find anything I have been lookign for on the first try. It’s really becoming comical. I know exactly where I want to go, I have the directions written out, and when I get to where I think I should be, it ends up being a meat market with ducks hanging upside down or something equally ridiculous. I simply can’t figure it out. I think they just ccreate new streets to confuse me.
More thoughts after we get out fo our prison cells and into something more livable…