Seattle Craigslist is a favorite place for millions of people to buy and sell used items online. As they say in their tagline, Seattle Craigslist “provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, personals, services, local community, and events.”
I’ve recently come across an alternative to Seattle Craigslist, at (Full Disclosure – I like their idea so much, I am helping them with some marketing.)
While Seattle Craigslist is simply a text based classifieds section, Bonanzle is built on Ruby on Rails, and offers easy image upload, advanced communications between buyers and sellers, easier ways to create stores, and a host of other useful features.
So if you use Seattle Craigslist, and are looking for an alternative with more bells and whistles, check out Bonanzle, and let me know what you think.
Seattle Craigslist Alternative Bonanzle