So what have we learned about China so far thanks to year’s Olympics. Well, let’s start with some nuggets from a British paper, The Times of London, in this article.
Let’s set aside all the pre-Olympics Tom Foolery of throwing out journalists, censoring Internet sites, jailing a Japanese television crew in West China, shutting down factories, and trying to magically make the pollution go away.
But in the first week of this Games, we have:
- Fake fireworks so the TV audience thinks they are seeing something spectacular
- Lip-syncing of the opening song by a cute 7-year old Chinese girl, because the 7 year old girl who really sang it wans’t “cute” enough.
- Oscar-style “seat fillers” who sit and watch the preliminary rounds of events, then leave when the ticket holders show up, so it doesn’t look like there are any no-shows.
I’m not exactly sure this is what drove the spirit of the games more than 100 years ago. So if the games themselves can be fake and manufactured, tell me again why the athletes aren’t allowed to use drugs that enhance their own performance? Don’t sterioids seem to fit perfectly into this charade?