I’ve been hoping / trying / working on writing this article for a week now. But before I start, let me frame where my perspective comes from.
I’ve played soccer for decades – still do. But until I lived a few months in England in 2005, I could hardly be considered a “soccer watcher.” Sure I would be mesmerized by the World Cup, but I couldn’t tell you anything about the European leagues; and the MLS wasn’t even a consideration.
My days in Manchester turned me into a Manchester United supporter, and the education I received out there made me a permanent fan. I’ll watch the EPL, DVR Champions League games, and head to the George and Dragon whenever I can for a big match. That has NOT translated into any kind of MLS viewership, however.
Until now.
I’m going to admit that I’m on the MLS bandwagon. I won’t pretend it’s anywhere close to England, Italy, Spain or German quality. Not even France, Portugal, Netherlands or Scotland. But I’ll now listen to arguments that MLS teams could compete and win in Sweden, Norway, Turkey and the other Tier 3 Euro countries.
And while the MLS may suffer in other cities, the ownership group here in Seattle has provided a nice blueprint for how to build a franchise and recruit a rabid fan base. The remarkable thing is that when you boil it all down, it’s all super simple stuff any team in any league could do if they would just concentrate on who the most important person is in their organization.
That most important person to any team is “The Fan.”
Not Alex Rodriguez, Phil Jackson, Kobe Bryant, Mark Cuban or the Phillie Phanatic. The most important person in the whole sports ecosystem is Joe Fan, the guy paying the bills.
Sounders FC understood that from Day One. A few examples:
- Before the team was named, the ownership group suggested 3 names and let the fans vote. It was between FC Seattle, Seattle Alliance and something else lame. Instead, the fans wrote in “Seattle Sounders” which was the name of both the old NASL team (70’s) and the recent minor league team. Thus, Seattle Sounders FC continued in the Northwest. Fan 1, Marketing Dept 0.
- All season ticket holders were mailed a Sounders scarf for every Season Ticket they bought. Not a stupid lame scarf with huge corporate sponsorship that ruins it. But real team merchandise. Now 22,000 season ticket holders show up with their scarves. Beautiful to see.
- Ticket prices are fair. It’s not a bargain, but not a rip-off either. As fans, all we want is to feel like we’re being charged fairly, not held hostage. Mariners – please take note. (NBA – I couldn’t care less about you anymore, but you might want to learn this lesson soon. Really soon. Before you need to take another $200 million loan to bail your teams out.)
- Small detail: The guy who sings the National Anthem “leads” the song. He has a baton and serves the role of conductor. He tells everyone to join in. He sings at a tone we can all hit. It just shows that we are there to be part of the experience, not to be performed to.
- The supporters demanded their own section, and so right behind one of the goals is a giant general admission section where the crowd is drunk, loud, and out of control. They lead the rest of the stadium in song. They are nuts. The Sounders took all the guys who would scare the casual soccer fan, and instead of limiting their fun, gave them an island where they all could be ridiculous and out of control together
All of this may seem subtle, but it’s really HUGE. There is a completely different feeling when you are watching YOUR team, than when you are watching a bunch of players who play in your city for owners who see you as giant dollar bills.
I’ll start posting some pictures of other little ways the team treats the fans with respect. Because that’s what the MLS needs to do – show people that they are willing to work harder to provide a great experience than the other leagues will. Even if you don’t like soccer, try to follow a little Sounder Mania. It will be worth the ride.
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