A number of years ago, my friend Kristi Larsen and I endured the Beat the Bridge Run. We both sailed through those initial 2 miles and as we crossed the University Bridge I said to Kristi, “Well that was easy.”
The Bridge did not take kindly to my mocking. And so before I was completely across, it sent a shudder through its pavement which delivered bone spasming shin splints that left me nearly immobile. I cursed The Bridge for the next three miles. Walking, running, standing – it didn’t matter, the pain was the same. And so I vowed my revenge.
Either the next year or a few years later, Team No Runner Left Behind was formed to show The Bridge that its Evil nature was powerless against the forces of good. In year one, I again crushed The Bridge, but a few of my teammates were not so lucky. Year 2 was the same. Last year the entire crew at Team NRLB gave The Bridge the Royal treatment.
And so came 2009. One of our largest teams ever – 9 runners strong – drove forward on a beautiful and sunny 60 degree morning. My training this year was minimal due to a pulled hamstring suffered two weeks prior. But we had fancy headbands to show off the Spring Creek Group sponsorship of our endeavor, and we surged ahead.
At the 18:00 mark I reached The Bridge with two minutes to spare, spitting on its ground and explaining to it that it could not – it would not – beat me. In total, 8 of the 9 NRLB runners made the crossing before it cranked itself up and pointed its rusty grates to the sky. And so now The Bridge and I go back to our respective corners for another year, each claiming victory. By again successfully crossing, I say that The Bridge is no match for me in this battle. The Bridge though, by again stopping one of my teammates, claims it won the war.
Team No Runner Left Behind will be back again in 2010. And next time, there will be no debate.