So with my sister due to give birth any moment – or not for another week – I’ve had a chance to revert back to the way people used to communicate, via phone. It made me think about a few things.
1) The whole social media experiment breaks down when there are a few weak links in the network. Once you realize Aunt Betty doesn’t have an always on internet connection, the phone needs to be part of the plan again.
2) Without an efficient one-to-many communication system, poor dad is stuck repeating the same message over and over to everyone who calls.
So here’s what a digitally savvy couple needs in order to communicate with both their digitally savvy and non-digitally savvy family and friends.
- Some app that will allow them to leave voice mails that other people can check. Maybe a Google Talk number would work for this. Does anyone have a good solution?
- A dedicated Twitter account that they can use for baby-only news, and a mobile Twitter application to upload the data.
- A Foursquare account so we all can follow where they are checking in.
- Most importantly – it would be nice if some airline allowed you to buy a “Baby Birth” package which allowed you priority Standby access during a certain time period. Looks like this baby is going to come a little early, and changing travel plans has become quite expensive for the family.
Any other thoughts? What would make communication more efficient?