The Media and the Zimmerman Case

I can be a little bit of a news junkie.  When I get in the right mindset, I want to dive into all the things going on in the world and try to connect them together. And right now there is a lot of interesting stuff going on: Edward Snowden, the NSA, Immigration reform, The rebellion in Egypt, continued turmoil in Syria, U.S. frustration with Afghanistan’s President, Obamacare, US fiscal issues and more.

However, if you do nothing but watch U.S. cable TV news, you would not know any of this. CNN, HLN and MSNBC have decided that the George Zimmerman case is Hurricane Katrina, the Cuban Missle Crisis, OJ Simpson and the Boston Bombers all rolled into one.

At best, the news media is being lazy and trying to find the cheapest and easiest story to focus on during the summer doldrums. Stick up a live feed, call some talking head lawyers who are dying for 15 minutes of fame and put the control room on auto-pilot.

If you want to get cynical or conspiratorial, then you could say the media is trying to manufacture a race riot. Make sure everyone has a chance to make an opinion on whether Zimmerman is guilty or innocent, create a huge buildup to the decision, prep everyone with talking points on how there’s no way he should be judged as innocent, and then stick cameras everywhere you think a mini-riot may occur to capture people yelling those talking points.  Then publicize the mini-riot so that it looks bigger and builds more momentum.  Now you have real news.

Surprisingly, there’s one network not engaging in the Zimmerman summer telethon – Fox News. Pessimistically, maybe they see that being the only network not televising wall to wall live coverage of a boring courtroom gives them a chance to push their agenda out to people who usually skip over them on the dial. Optimistically, maybe they are the only network that has their “A” team working during July and realize the Zimmerman trial is only as interesting as a 2007 episode of Law and Order. We don’t get a lot of chances to to say this, so I will admit, ‘Well done, Fox News.”

It disheartens me that the news has come to this.  3 networks, 2 owned by the same company, live televising a court case that doesn’t deserve it, simply because they are pushing a racial angle.  They’ve  monopolized the news airwaves and pushed away any of the national and global events that we should be thinking about, and instead, dumbed their viewership down and tried to create a race issue. I think it’s irresponsible at best, nefarious at worst.