I’m not one to think that Marketing is free. I think you can be effective on the cheap, but you have to commit to at least spending SOMETHING.
I liken it to a party. You need one of these to be extremely great – location, people, food or music – to make it worth talking about. But no matter what, you need to spend some money on booze to loosen things up.
Marketing is similar. You either need extremely great product, creative, design or placement for a campaign to be noteworthy. Take a boring product, give it a standard design, a few relevant pieces of copy and stick it in tradional media and you have something to put in your portfolio but not much else.
But I digress.
Here’s a company who is executing a very nice campaign on the cheap, but they are nailing the creativity and placement attributes. They spend some cash on shipping, but have potential to have a lot of "free creative." designed for them. Here is a copy of the email below:
Hey fellow Magnifier –
We’ve had amazing response to the Mascot’s first week out and about in New York City. He’s been on the Subway. He’s been to Columbia University. He came to a Magnify.net board meeting. He event had a night out with Obama Girl!
Now, he’s ready to travel the world. So, invite him to your place – we’ll pay the way.
Magnify Mascot will travel first class (fed ex) to you. He’ll bring a gift (a brand new American Apparel Magnify T shirt), and he’s ready to have a photo take with you.
We’re going to feature some of the best photo’s, most glamourous locations, and most creative channel admins on our homepage over the next few weeks. So, if you’re looking for a house guest who is flat, and orange – we’ve got a guy who wants to visit you.
To apply to be a stop on the Magnify Mascot World Tour:
1). Send an email to: [email protected]
2). Tell us the name of your Magnify.net site(s)
3). Tell us about some great photo op (famous tourist destination he can visit?) or neat photo location.
We’ve got a backlog of Channel Admin’s who have already invited the Mascot to come to their unique and wonderful part of the world – so get on the bandwagon now.
We’re excited about coming to you!
Steve, Simon and the Magnify.net team
Here’s a picture from our latest Board meeting, with Board Member
David S. Rose giving the Mascot a ‘Hi Five.’
PS… yes, we know he needs a name… we’re still accepting suggestions for the Name the Mascot contest. Expect more news shortly on this.