So Valleywag reports that you cannot be Facebook friends with Michael Phelps, because has more Facebook “fans”
than Will Smith, Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers — 767,885 at last
count! Phelps tells Bob Costas that besides the fans, he’s got about 7,600
pending Facebook friend requests, too. “I can’t accept any more.”
But that makes me curious. I wonder how many of the thousands of other Olympic athletes you could be friends with. Sure, the guy who won 8 gold metals is off limits, but how about a 24 year old track and field guy who didn’t qualify for the finals? What percent of these competitors are happy to communicate with new fans, and what percent think it’s creepy.
I think if I was some obscure archery or triple jump Olympian and got a few requests, I’d think it was cool. Maybe less so if I was a 14 year old female gymnast. (that’s 16 in Chinese years).
Let me know if you make Facebook friends with anyone.