For as regulated as some industries are, I am continually amazed by the brazen obscenity with which auto insurance companies treat its customers.
My insurance rates went up this month. Yet I have not personally been involved in an accident, received a ticket, moved or purchased a new hummer.
Instead, someone filed a fraudulant claim on a minor fender bumping that occured when someone else was driving my car. The driver of my car reported the claim as fraduluant, since there’s not a physical way for an Acura to demolish a trucks’ back bumber while only denting it’s own license plate. This is an obvious case of a guy with a crappy beat up car taking advantage of a tap on is back.
But the insurance company’s response is, "Too bad. I know we shouln’t have paid it out, but we did, so the owner of the car is responsible."
Any advice?