Idea for Soccer on US TV

So this is unrelated to anything.  But here’s a thought about televising Major League Soccer games.

Problem: The most common complaint about soccer is that there’s not enough scoring.  But if you do something goofy to change the rules, then no legitimate player will come (or stay) here.

Solution: Well, if there are 12 teams, why not have a set schedule so all 6 games occur simultaneously.  Say every Thursday and Sunday.  Now, on your TV broadcast, you have a regional game, and live look-ins on the other 5.  So lets say thare’s an average of 2 goals per game in the MLS (I have no idea what the real number is).  That’s 12 goals in 90 minutes, or every 7-8 minutes.  I think that would be stimulating enough.

You have to fix the schedule so that the start times make sense for home fans.  Maybe each week one set of home fans would get an inconvenient start time, but Monday Night Football games end after midnight, so that doesn’t seem to be a deal-breaker.
