I love political season. Nothing better than a good old fashion radio ad war being waged by people who don’t normally write radio ads. Today on KJR, I heard what may have been the funniest 20 minutes of political radio the all-sports station has ever run.
1) At about 8:20am, Steve Sandmeyer interviews Dino Rossi. In the 10 minute interview, Rossi addresses the issue KJR listeners care about most, mainly the Legislature’s inability to make any kind of decision on the Sonics situation. Rossi restated his previous positions, that all Gregoire and the Legislature had to do was AUTHORIZE King County to extend the current tax that tourists pay on rental cars, hotels, etc…past 2011 when it currently expires. They didn’t have to vote to extend the tax, they had to vote to authorize King County to vote for the tax. Rossi continued by saying that he knew it was a political hot potato, so to make sure Gregoire wouldn’t take a fall, he publicly endorsed it before her. That way she could endorse it without him being able to use it against her. Then he got a nice jab in by calling Frank Chopp the “pseudo-governor” and that Gregoire is too afraid to do anything without his approval. Score multiple points for Rossi.
2) Interview ends at 8:30 or so, and in the next commercial break, you get a response ad from Team Gregoire. Basic text of the ad – “Rossi is like George Bush because he cut back on child protection services, is anti-abortion, votes against gay marriage and cut transportation funding. See, he’s just like George Bush. And did we mention he is like George Bush? So, you obviously don’t want George Bush. Paid for by friends of Gregoire.” Gay marriage and abortion rights? The Sonics have just been ripped from the city, fans blame you for this, and 8 days later you run an ad telling sports fans that Rossi is against abortion rights? Really? That’s the most compelling argument you have to make to sports fans feeling pain?
3) 10 minutes later, you hear a Rossi ad that has been playing a while. The ad quotes the Seattle Times, “Gregoire showed the leadership skills of a rookie Point Guard.” The ads also says that when Gregoire had a chance to do something extraordinary, she chose to sit on the bench. Ouch. Ouch again. Score more points for Rossi.
4) As if this wasn’t enough, the Gregoire campaign found it necessary to run the same ineffective ad a second time 10 minutes later. I guess they really wanted Sonics fans to know that Dino Rossi is anti-abortion. It’s like walking into Capitol Hill and talking about policy on shipping tariffs. Or going to the Apple farmers to discuss H1B visas.
The KJR vote is going to Rossi. So I’m not sure Gregoire’s play here. She either has to be loud and vocal about pushing through the new stadium legislation this session, or just ignore those voters and spend money somewhere else. But if I won ana election by 2,000 votes, and an entire segment of people who never vote just learned how to register, I’d be nervous.