Because the blog entries here revolve around marketing, with a little start-up stuff thrown in, I’m pleased to find what could be the stupidest product of all time. But these guys not only have a marketing budget – enough to advertise in Google Mail – but a Google Page Rank of 4, making their dumb product’s web site 100 times more important than this blog.
Here’s the tagline:
"The Safe Banana Guard will fit most bananas & give protection during your journey."
Yes, apparently there is a market for a product that’s specific job is to protect a banana. And, the company is funded.
Not only does this product exist, it comes in 9 colors. Because this is a family blog, you will notice that I am refraining from any jokes that could easily float their way to the surface from viewing the order page. It’s not for a lack of material or imagination, I promise. Just sometimes the fruit is so low hanging, you want to let someone else pick the tree.
I think possibly my favorite part is that they have a section called, "Testimonials." Come on… Seriously? Testimonials? Doesn’t something called ‘SafeBanana" speak for itself at this point? Do you really need to read a quote like, "Dude, this thing like totally protected my banana. I know it’s called SafeBanana, but I didn’t see how it could be possible. Now, I’m a believer."
Anyway, as a public service to all you people who have suffered and survived banana trauma, I bring you SafeBanana. Please use responsibly.