Remember the old Todd Snider song about the band who moved to Seattle and became a Grunge band that went on stage and refused to play any songs? Well if Social Media is the alternative grunge band, here are the guys who aren’t playing a note, yet.
This article from Wired discusses how a few folks have built a Social Media Marketing campaign around a TV show called Alive. Here’s the alternative alternative part – The show doesn’t exist.
That’s right. Here are a bunch of creative guys who built a marketing plan BEFORE they built the product. In fact, they built the marketing plan to seed the market and raise the money to build the show. The funny part is that it’s the exact opposite of a stealth launch, where a company goes into a basement, builds the technology, then comes out and tries to convince VC’s that someone wants to buy it. It would be interesting for someone to launch a Web site for something, start taking orders, then call a VC and say, "We have 100,000 customers who want to by our thingamajiggers for $50 each. Now we need $2 Million to make them."
I’ll let you enjoy the whole article, because it’s quite interesting.