Well, I finally succumbed to the pressure.
Since it launched, I’ve seen proud and cheerful owners of the iPhone gleefully show off thier little toy. In bars, in meetings, in lines at Starbucks, they tauntingly stick it into your face, showing you all the magical things it can do.
I resisted.
I stayed true to my core Blackberry. I like the Blackberry. It’s easy to use. I don’t need real time stock ticket updates or the best way to walk from the Space Needle to Palace Kitchen. I need a phone and text, and maybe some Internet.
Saturday, something snapped.
Suddenly I realized that the phone had changed. I knew it before, but I finally admitted to the analogy that we’re in the mobile version of the shift from VCR to DVD, and I still owned a VCR. And there is no reason to buy another souped up VCR. It is no longer an issue of iPhone vs Blackberry. It’s become an issue of mobile devices in 2009 and beyond, vs mobile devices in 2008 and prior. I knew all of this already, but some light piece of straw finally made that camel’s back break. And the camel asked for an iPhone.
Now I’m simply a junior member of the cult. I look for and will listen to the teachings of those original iPhone disciples. And I have to admit to myself that I’m more than a little excited to play with all the toys and gimmicks.
Now, I haven’t yet stood in line and condescendingly scoffed at those simple “iNots” walking around with their pedestrian devices. But I’m sure one day, as I breeze through Google Maps or order a video before boarding a plane, I’ll have that smug look of a full fledged cult member.
If you are an iPhone Davidian and have a favorite “must-have” application, please let me know.